Many years ago, many people did not know that there is an SMM manager type of work. A few years ago, we used our cell phones only to text and communicate. Then, suddenly, in many areas of our lives progressed, a new technology emerged - the Internet.

In recent years, this innovation has entered our lives so much that it is impossible to imagine life without it. This, in turn, gave impetus to the activity of social media and the development of marketing in this area. An SMM manager is a person who creates and manages the advertising strategy of an enterprise, company, or individual on social networks.

Let's find out more about what a social media specialist is. A social media specialist is a name given to a person who is responsible for increasing brand recognition and developing marketing activities. The social media specialist also has tasks such as strategic planning, implementation, and tracking to increase sales. Let's summarize the job description of a social media specialist in the following articles. The duties and responsibilities of the EMC manager type of job will undoubtedly be separated according to the wishes of the brands, but if we give a general job description, we can note the following.


  • Prepare, edit, add and publish pictures and videos on a daily basis;


  • Research, compare, and analyze the user base. Within the framework of all this, to formulate and implement a social media strategy, especially by forming the masses;


  • Be relevant at all times and respond to feedback and suggestions from social media;


  • Make corrections if necessary, make statements about negative news;


  • Manage brand accounts, set up companies, and thus increase access to social media accounts;


  • Good crisis management.


What does the SMM manager do?


In short, the above are just a few of the job descriptions of a social media specialist. At a time when all brands and companies are gaining momentum with the power of social media, it is safe to say that the workload falls more on social media professionals. In this situation, it is impossible to limit a social media specialist to a single job description. A social media professional doesn't have to share just one piece of content. The smm manager is in a very important position in terms of creating brand strategies and in a sense being the "virtual voice" of the brand.


A social media professional should also be a professional observer. Social media should closely monitor your purchasing behavior and adhere to the items; it should consider when developing all its strategies. As mentioned above, this professional must also be a good crisis manager. From customer complaints to the most sensational scandals, the crisis must be managed calmly in every situation. It is also your responsibility to save your company or brand from this crisis with minimal damage. One of the main tasks of the SMM manager vacancy is to deliver the necessary announcements to the public.


How to become a social media specialist?


There is no university major in Social Media Marketing, but some faculties have social media classes in their subdivisions. For example, faculties that serve as communication faculties are one of the first steps in the knowledge required for a social media experience. With social media certification programs, you can learn about social media and make progress on becoming a social media professional. You can start as an intern social media specialist and continue to work as an SMM manager in light of the knowledge and experience you have gained over time.