6 Thinking Hat Method which is one of the most popular meditation systems (Six Thinking Hats), originated by Edward De Bono who is considered one of the most creative persons in the world. The well-known person in the field of creative and conceptual thinking, Edward de Bono emphasized:” in the era of technology we live, it is not difficult to collect information”. Moreover, it is important to know how we collect this data and how to use this information to do it useful.

Methods of 6 Thinking Hats ensuring individuals with various thinking perspectives, at the same time, allow us to see any case through a different paradigm. This method also to be used in many branches, in the field of education and it is an effective method of dispute currently. 

Edward De Bono had chosen hat when he brought this thinking method to the systematic case since the hat is an accessory that is easily worn and removable also completes the clothes.  Hats deliver information related to social status and lifestyles of people, moreover connection providing between thought and hat.

The main directions of thought signed with a different six-colored hat. Instead of concentrated on emotion, logic, knowledge, hope, and creativity simultaneously, it provides a feature of separate thinking. It also targeted to make the right decision through systematic thinking. People possess different views. Developing the thinking ability of participants and preventing useless discussions.


It is impartial and objective. Interested in facts and documents. Persons wearing a white hat; are analyzing data in their hands, needed information and how can be reached to this information. They are emotionally closed off.


Black Slap - a real critic. The black hat wearers must see everything in black. They are always looking for faults and do not believe in words and numbers, looking for a weak spot. Find out the risks and explain why the decisions have been made will not be worked. A black hat protects us from harm, but at this time it should not be exceeded the limit.


Red expresses emotions, feelings, passions, and excitement. Red hat wearers show feelings like fear, anger, hatred, jealousy. Man in the red hat says;'' These are my feelings regarding the topic”. It is thought the most important parts of the plan, the emotional side is removed. In this way, take out the emotional side of the plan.  Furthermore, it would determine the impact of the senses to the theme.


Yellow hat interested in positiveness, advantages, and benefits regarding the topic. It will appear advantages and the best result will be achieved. When we wear a yellow hat, we immediately will make the efforts to ensure the value of the proposal and benefit. Concrete decisions will be made. It is needed to pay attention to the positive aspects of the idea. Black is opposite to hat.


It is a hat of productivity, energy, growth and new ideas. When using green hat various proposals are presented while putting forwarding creative ideas. The person wearing the green hat explores the alternatives and the reality of alternatives.


Organization of thinking. Thoughts on thought.  The blue hat is an analyst and moderator. It differs from the others and does not work, as it leads others.  This hat is to manage the idea process. It leads all to the common idea. He is like a conductor, listen to ideas, and sometimes advise to change hats: "Your approach is wrong, remove the black hat and wear a green hat." It is a good observer. Analyze the discussed information and makes the right decision.

As an example, a person who decided to purchase a car can use methods of six thinking hats as following;

White hat: 70 thousand km of driving, the year 1996. Price 25.000 AZN

Red hat: I love driving a car that cut off my feet from the ground.

Black hat: Maybe kilometer of the car was reduced. As it is an old car its’ expense is a lot.

Yellow hat: I do my work in a short time and in the morning wake up a bit late.

Green hat: after repairing an automobile I can sell it more expensive near three thousand. 

Blue hat: It is better not to buy this car.