Brand dependencies on the rules

It is enough to analyze the brand in 4 ways. It;

Management and organization
Quality product
Network marketing
Advertising and promotion
These elements are in constant interaction. Many years ago, organizations and firms considered production a major factor. Then firms and organizations began to understand the importance of the existence of products and their direct development.

Then they began to realize the importance of creating organizations that would deal with future product plans. And organizations have identified marketing strategies to reach a wide audience. The best example of this is Henry Ford.

Despite the statements of Henry Ford in 1950-60 about the classic black Ford that “I will produce only black cars”, in 1965 he launched the red Mustang car on the market. Because Ford has realized market changes and customer needs.

In the world, some brands combine all 4 points. Coca Cola, Adidas, Nike, etc. And in our Republic, there are few such firms due to poor experience and development. For example, some firms follow marketing strategies to increase product sales, to find new ways of selling, and to properly manage the company. Therefore, organizations are confused about advertising. Advertising requires creativity-color-strategy-feelings. They still have not correctly formed opinions about advertising.

Great responsibility lies with "organization and management." If the Office combines the 4-point “Advertising and Promotion” in a single whole with other points, then you can notice the development and branching of the other 3 points.

Yes! Management, production, and sales are complex processes. Convenient and instant solutions are bad for brands. The world is changing, and if Azerbaijan does not develop the 4th item “advertising and promotion”, it will continue to import products.

Brand dependencies on the rules